FreeBSD 2.2.7 ATAPI CD-RW Support

Here is a patch file for ATAPI/IDE support on FreeBSD 2.2.7. These are based on Luigi Rizzo's (here is his web site) patches with a bit of clean-up applied. I have successfully burned CD-R discs and CD-RW discs on an HP-7200i using these patches.

Notice As of Nov. 9, 1998, the patch below has been checked into 2.2-STABLE. Thus, you may as well just CVSup the source and build it there. However, the notes below may still be useful.

Some tips on using ATAPI CD-RW drives on FreeBSD:

Burning HFS CD-ROMs on FreeBSD

You can use Apple's Disk Copy 6.3 utility to master CD-ROMs for FreeBSD. Select "Create new image" and choose the 12cm CD-ROM (663,000 K). Drop the desired files onto the mounted disk image, arranging things as you wish. Then, dismount the image, and burn the data fork as the image, as you would an image created with mkisofs or mkhybrid.

Note that produces an HFS-only disk, which is fine for Mac document and application backup. You can read HFS disks on FreeBSD using the hfs port, but it's not convenient. Use mkhybrid to create a hybrid; you can make a HFS/Joliet/Rock Ridge disk which will work on a Mac, Win32 or UNIX machine.

The latest mkhybrid alpha can process dual-fork Mac files using Netatalk. This means you can copy files to a folder on the server using Netatalk, use mkhybrid on the directory and get Mac files on the CD, and with the correct command line options, have the CD work on Win32 and/or UNIX.

A catch

Note that Netatalk automatically translates Mac end-of-line characters to UNIX end-of-line characters in files of type TEXT, so TEXT files burned on CDs this way become UNIX text files. In fact, this is hard-coded in the code, and there's no run-time option to turn this off. If this is not what you want, you can recompile the Netatalk port (in /usr/ports/net/). Look for a Makefile that that defines -DCRLF (find . -print | xargs grep "-DCRLF"); if you comment out this define, Netatalk will not do this translation. Hooray!

Some CD-RW Links


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